
1st Battalion

 133rd Infantry Regiment

 34th Infantry Division “REDBULL DIVISION”

Paratrooper on patrol and specialised jump tunic of the US Airborne


The 34th infantry division reenacted of the Historical reenactment society is primarily based out of the Auckland area. We seek to portray the U.S. rifle squad as accurately as possible of the Second World War. We achieve this by conducting training weekends, living history camps and vigourous research with the goals in mind to offer an accurate portrait of the basic infantry, the dog face, the grunts, boots on the ground, the underappreciated back bone of any army. The 34th I.D. of the United States was chosen to represent the multinational and joint operations of the Italian campaign of WWII where New Zealand troops were alsp present. The 34th I.D. served in many of the same areas during this campaign alongside many other allied nations.

Our unit manual is downloadable here.